Saturday, 21 January 2012

26-52 Halfway there


Hows u all doing? u been having a good week guys?
Well this week ive been busy editing from last weeks photoshoots. and been looking after my little dog alfie who had a small op this week, he has recoverd realy realy well and his himself agian!

This weekend i have a shoot with grace agian, also having a leaving party for my sisters boyfriend colin, as he is going away for a while working. also filming a bike race on sunday so keep your eye out for that.

Well here is week 26 "Halfway There". I am now half way threw my project and can i just say how fast it has gone dosent even feel like i have done that many! I do somtimes wish i had put more effort into some pics, but i spose the msg is just as important as the pic lol!
I have taken many many pics and had a crazy journey up to yet and its only half way!!!

I would realy realy love for ppl to join me on this project, as its a good way of keeping memories and capturing those speacial moments in your life! You dont need to be a photographer to doit or even be good at taking pics.. any 1 can doit! just take a pic of anything and post about it! tell us whats going on in your life and tll us about the world and moments u see!

"The difference between a pro photographer and any1 eles is a pro knows how to use light and what settings in a camera to use. No 1 can ever take your eye away from the world u see, no 1 can ever take away ur view of the world, and capturing that only u can do!"
So please GET ON THIS PROJECT! DONT TAKE PICS ....CAPTURE A MOMENT! dosent even have to be 52weeks, could be 12 month project! or just post wen u can!

Well this weeks photo i obviously wanted to do a half way theame. so i went to a road near were i live with my friend kristian who has just entered the photography world and took this pic... i set it all up just need kris to press the trigger wen cars wer not on the road.I took around 3 attemps to get it right.
I wanted to giv the imprestion ov a road the road being my 52 week project, and me half way across the road(project). The jump was mearly for my pleasure as u know i like to make things jump. The road sighn i added was just a little funny msg to say half way there! just a little touch i put on lol!

Nikon:Sb900 camera left on wall, 1/4th power shot bare 85mm
Nikon:sb700 camera right on tirpod 1/5 powershot bare 24mm
Both triggered using nikons cls system

Well hope u have a great week guys!
Twitter: @nlindleyphoto

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

19/52 Over fields short film

Wow! December already! This month is my birthday and crimbo! whoop!
This week i just been working and enjoying my weekend out with friends. went absailing on satday witch ther will be a vid up shortly on my youtube page so watch out for that!
Also hooked up with jay mya agian this week to help shoot his new vid. will keep you posted on the progress of that.

This weeks photo is a lil late beacuse i been busy at work and have been filming certain things that relate to this pic.
This pic realy is to advertise the short film ive just made and to tell you a little about my upcoming vids. Secretly i love editing videos and making movies more than photography, but just get round to it or never had the right tools to do it with.
But now ive researched it a little and leaned to use my camera in video a wee bit more im making some videos.

So this photo reprisents the short film i made today. I bought some new software (final cut x) and wanted to play around with it. so as a tester i made a short film (literally)
Over fields is a short filmed made near were i live, it took me 15mins to film and about 30mins to edit lol!
These fields are were i walk most days and were i take my dog.. This is were Zack used to chase rabbits too lol!
I was just playing around with dof and other settings to see what i could come up with!

To see this film please visit:

Ther will be more Vids to come in the future, i am currently in the process of filming Birth of Outlaws atm.. more to come on that maybe next week. But i will never step away from photography as it is and always will be the best way of capturing moments and my wild imagination!

Thanks and have a great week guys!!!!
Twitter: @nlindleyphoto

Monday, 28 November 2011

Helloooooooo! Hope youve all had a good week!
I have had a few holiday days off at work this week to do some bits and bobs. Been looking for new job etc. and then just partying at the weekend lol!
On sunday Morning i headed up to warncliffe with my friends Dave, andy, jack, phill, bernard, and dale. i went to photograph them doing some dowhill bikeing. its becoming quite big atm. very fast and scary for me lol! ill stick to the camera for now.
The view up there is amazing, ill probs head off up there in the summer to get some landscape pics. U can see for miles and miles. Such a beautifull place. Plus the weather held out for us.
So i did a mixture of photos, from documentary style, to sport shots, and even did a lil strobist work. The day was great fun and a great laff. i even managed to fit a lil bit of video in (coming soon)

For shooting things like this u need to use fast shutter speeds and raise ur iso seen as we were in trees and light was cut out a lil bit.
Also large apatures work well here too... i was using f2.8 to f4 for most shots. The only thing wen using strobs is that urll be ristricted to a shutter speed from 200 to 250th as thats the max sync speed of most cameras. (Thats why this pic is a lil blury but i like the motion in it too)
This shot is off jack coming down the hill and doing a jump. I got sat low in a lil ditch for a low angle perspective.
I then placed a strob in front of jack to the left.
Strobs also help freeze action. I went for a widish angle to get the rest of the hill in.
Wen editing this pic i just played around with some tones and came up with this witch i liked. Also increasing the contrast.
Nikonsb700: camera left 1/34th power shot bare 85mm
Triggerd using cactusv4 wirless flash system
Well hope u all have a good week! not shure what ive got planed for next week like but b shure to keep your eye out!
Also updated my website now :D (Bart time i did lol)
To see the rest of the pics from the day please visit:

Saturday, 26 November 2011

17/52 Echo

"Hello, hello anybody out there? cause I don't hear a sound!
alone, alone,
I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now,
sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright,
but it's never enough.
cause my echo, echo,
Is the only voice coming back!"
Jason Walker - Echo lyrics
Hows your week been? i been quite busy at work, and now have 8days off to do what i like! i plan to chill and get very drunk lol!
Had a good week doing some tricks, even though some are arseholes n try spoil it!
Been wanting to get out and take some location snaps for a while now, but just not had the time. So today i had a lil walk into my local woods behind my house, and set up this wee lil shot!
I Think this photo can giv mixed feelings witch i love about it!
I just wanted a moody ery photo!
the woods and leaves realy helped me create the look i wanted!
Wanted this weeks photo to give off a little emotion of being alone and no body listning!
Shure u all have these strange times...
I just genrally speek mumble jumble to myself, i like to just sometimes shut my self away from the world and chill for a lil bit!
The set up was low angle and steped back and zoomed to compress the background. My light source was set camera right just a lil bit higher pointing downish.
Shot threw umbrella Sb:700 1/8th power. Triggerd using cactus v4 wireless flash trigger
Well have a good week guys!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

"Were not just a clan...were a unit!"
Hellooo There! everyone had a good week? Mine has been a very busy one lol. But also fun haha!
Been out showing off my new tricks, and had a great bombfire at my sisters lol, Also went paintballing satday with some friends witch brings me to this weeks photo!
If your wondering what YEM8 is its are call of duty clan. Witch stands for if not worked out "yea mate"
So seen as the boys from this clan went paintballing and with the relise of CODMW3 next week it would be rude not to base this pic on somthing related!
Also with it being bombfire night i wanted to add a little bit of that celerbration in there.
My friend dave who is in this pic asked me to fetch my camera down and wondered if i could capture a pic writing with sparklers.

So to achive this i set it at a long exposure of around 3secs and took multipull shots. After i merged them in photoshop, yes it not perfect but the illustion works well.
Long exposures are so much fun and u can have lots a creative stuff going on in them.. Just need a steady tripod or somwere to keep the camera steady.
So a wee bit about YEM8 clan:
"There are more members but these are a few of the lads"
Me: Just4Laughs777 always getting downed and need picking up! also zippo twin with phil RPG King
Dave: CALL S1GN GHOST The jeb king! PWUNK! watch that sniper! OMG IS THAT A DOWG?
Phil: PilotDreadPhil URRghhhrrr urrghhh! Mr zippo himslef
Burnshine: Montyonyx Hubble space telescope master
Jamie: Jammer12931 Watch out for his canon! lol
Jack: Jack fulton squicky URRRHH URRghhh!
Jamie: jamie megane the last stand king
luke: wherswolly OMG! UR SO FUCKING GAY! giv them yanks some shit lad!
Phil: yeoman Go and take ya face for a shit! are local jordy!
Well have a great week guys!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

13/52 Mystery man!

13/52Mystery Man!

"Who am i to you? Am i a illusion or a mystery?"

Lil late this week! been so busy at work and editing prev pics form a shoot with jay mya. But had a great weekend with some friends.

We all went to doncaster racers for my friends bday, n what can i say part from 16hours drinking killed me lol!
So the idea for this pic i had came from the crazy weekend i had! As some may know i am quite the illusionest, always pulling off tricks and hustling ppl! :D

In town so many ppl were amazed by what i was doing, i had a massive audience and hustled quiet a lot of drinks lol :P
Some one even shouted from the crowed "this lad ant human"
Reactions are everthing to me! the look i get most is who the hell are you lol! total mystery?

So being quite the mystery man and ppl stumped by my tricks i got the idea of this pic to reflect my magic style. I always throw a lil comody in my tricks, and am i lil cheeky chappy. lol So my v for vendetta mask fitted quite well with its funny smile. also covering my face to add the mystery man behind!
The specs wer just a extra comody add lol

God ive blabbled about how i came up with this idea lol! sowi! :P

I am wanting to film a short film soon showing some o my tricks to random ppl lol!

Well hope your weeks been kool! Have a great weekend ppl!

NikonSB900: to cam right a lil, high 1/128 power shot threw lumiquest soft box 3 105mm
Triggerd using cactus v4 wirless flash trigger
Twitter: @nlindleyphoto

Monday, 17 October 2011

12/52 Swing Adventure


Hope you all had a good week guys! if u live near me then urll know its starting to get realt cold and wet! :(

Im finally back at work now! and have been there most of my time and chilling at the weekend with friends.

Well this weeks photo comes to you from Conisbrough Viaduct, a realy tall and massive bridge built.... dunno! lol but its oldish haha!

The photo is of my friend Adam abseiling down. We met up with my good friend liam and craig and got to work! Its a very scary thing to do, and ill be honest i find it very scary but am getting used to it now!

We make a big rope swing that we can attach are selfs to and just enjoy swinging about lol!
Its alot of fun and we have some realy good laffs!

We also made a vid of this day:

In this photo i think it gives off the mood and danger of the hight. converting it to black and white was just to giv it more atmospher.

Twitter: @nlindleyphoto