Monday, 28 November 2011

Helloooooooo! Hope youve all had a good week!
I have had a few holiday days off at work this week to do some bits and bobs. Been looking for new job etc. and then just partying at the weekend lol!
On sunday Morning i headed up to warncliffe with my friends Dave, andy, jack, phill, bernard, and dale. i went to photograph them doing some dowhill bikeing. its becoming quite big atm. very fast and scary for me lol! ill stick to the camera for now.
The view up there is amazing, ill probs head off up there in the summer to get some landscape pics. U can see for miles and miles. Such a beautifull place. Plus the weather held out for us.
So i did a mixture of photos, from documentary style, to sport shots, and even did a lil strobist work. The day was great fun and a great laff. i even managed to fit a lil bit of video in (coming soon)

For shooting things like this u need to use fast shutter speeds and raise ur iso seen as we were in trees and light was cut out a lil bit.
Also large apatures work well here too... i was using f2.8 to f4 for most shots. The only thing wen using strobs is that urll be ristricted to a shutter speed from 200 to 250th as thats the max sync speed of most cameras. (Thats why this pic is a lil blury but i like the motion in it too)
This shot is off jack coming down the hill and doing a jump. I got sat low in a lil ditch for a low angle perspective.
I then placed a strob in front of jack to the left.
Strobs also help freeze action. I went for a widish angle to get the rest of the hill in.
Wen editing this pic i just played around with some tones and came up with this witch i liked. Also increasing the contrast.
Nikonsb700: camera left 1/34th power shot bare 85mm
Triggerd using cactusv4 wirless flash system
Well hope u all have a good week! not shure what ive got planed for next week like but b shure to keep your eye out!
Also updated my website now :D (Bart time i did lol)
To see the rest of the pics from the day please visit:

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