Wednesday, 26 October 2011

13/52 Mystery man!

13/52Mystery Man!

"Who am i to you? Am i a illusion or a mystery?"

Lil late this week! been so busy at work and editing prev pics form a shoot with jay mya. But had a great weekend with some friends.

We all went to doncaster racers for my friends bday, n what can i say part from 16hours drinking killed me lol!
So the idea for this pic i had came from the crazy weekend i had! As some may know i am quite the illusionest, always pulling off tricks and hustling ppl! :D

In town so many ppl were amazed by what i was doing, i had a massive audience and hustled quiet a lot of drinks lol :P
Some one even shouted from the crowed "this lad ant human"
Reactions are everthing to me! the look i get most is who the hell are you lol! total mystery?

So being quite the mystery man and ppl stumped by my tricks i got the idea of this pic to reflect my magic style. I always throw a lil comody in my tricks, and am i lil cheeky chappy. lol So my v for vendetta mask fitted quite well with its funny smile. also covering my face to add the mystery man behind!
The specs wer just a extra comody add lol

God ive blabbled about how i came up with this idea lol! sowi! :P

I am wanting to film a short film soon showing some o my tricks to random ppl lol!

Well hope your weeks been kool! Have a great weekend ppl!

NikonSB900: to cam right a lil, high 1/128 power shot threw lumiquest soft box 3 105mm
Triggerd using cactus v4 wirless flash trigger
Twitter: @nlindleyphoto

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