Monday, 12 September 2011

Well week 7 already! seems like only just started this project last week! ha haha
Well this week i have been busy busy! Been to get my eye cheacked out due to my attack 2 fridays ago! Gotta have new specs lol!
Also shot some people at doncaster horse racers, documeting there day. Will try put some pics up wen there done!
Well this weeks photo kinda reflects my mood, with all the stress of my attack and other problems.
i wanted to give off the vibe of slighty normal but u can tell somthing inside is not quite right.
I gave a sad little face, but wanted it to look like i was hiding some unhappness.
When processing i converted it to black and white as it always make a picture more dramatic! Not shure why i went for this crop?? maybe to refect the tight cramped up feeling.
I did it in my room on my bed as this is the place i normally shut my self off from all other things and think about stuff!
But we all get there in the end just keep your head up high. Hope this pic helps some people, or lets them know ther not the only one! We all hide are real emotions, and dont let others in! its are way of coping.
Somtimes others can help.. but threw it all we alone can only find the strength to get threw it all!
Have a great week!
Sb900: cam left high, shot threw lumiquest softbox 3 1/64th power
triggerd using nikon cls system

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