Sunday, 4 September 2011

6/52 week project Best friend

Best friend!
Hi everyone, hope uve had a good week! Nothing much to report here, just been at home recovering from last weeks attack!
Well i know that dogs are mans best friend, This is alfie my lhasa apso dog!
He is a very funny character but very chilled and laid back. He is 2years old and has been with us since he was a pup!
On a night he sleeps in my room and eather try jump on my bed when im not looking!
He makes me laff a the little things he dos like sit were i want to sit and just look at me gormluss!
I take him every place i go as he is so well behaved. when im out taking pictures, he always sat at the side of my tripod.
He recently lost his best friend zack who was my other boxer dog who was 10 and sadly had to be put to sleep a few months ago :'(
I miss zack so much and wish he was still with us! To see zacks story, and the story behind my name please watch:
For a while now alfie stuggled to b alone as he always had zack with him! Its true dogs do morn like humans. but hes copping very well now and plays with next doors dog oscar.
Its strange how pets mean so much to us, and become part of your family. Alfie is like a little brother to me.
Have a great week people!

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