13/52Mystery Man!
"Who am i to you? Am i a illusion or a mystery?" Lil late this week! been so busy at work and editing prev pics form a shoot with jay mya. But had a great weekend with some friends. We all went to doncaster racers for my friends bday, n what can i say part from 16hours drinking killed me lol! So the idea for this pic i had came from the crazy weekend i had! As some may know i am quite the illusionest, always pulling off tricks and hustling ppl! :D In town so many ppl were amazed by what i was doing, i had a massive audience and hustled quiet a lot of drinks lol :P Some one even shouted from the crowed "this lad ant human" Reactions are everthing to me! the look i get most is who the hell are you lol! total mystery? So being quite the mystery man and ppl stumped by my tricks i got the idea of this pic to reflect my magic style. I always throw a lil comody in my tricks, and am i lil cheeky chappy. lol So my v for vendetta mask fitted quite well with its funny smile. also covering my face to add the mystery man behind! The specs wer just a extra comody add lol God ive blabbled about how i came up with this idea lol! sowi! :P I am wanting to film a short film soon showing some o my tricks to random ppl lol! Well hope your weeks been kool! Have a great weekend ppl! Strobist: NikonSB900: to cam right a lil, high 1/128 power shot threw lumiquest soft box 3 105mm Triggerd using cactus v4 wirless flash trigger www.nlindleyphotography.co www.nlindleyphotography.bl www.youtube.com/shlongkong Twitter: @nlindleyphoto |
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
13/52 Mystery man!
Monday, 17 October 2011
12/52 Swing Adventure
Hope you all had a good week guys! if u live near me then urll know its starting to get realt cold and wet! :( Im finally back at work now! and have been there most of my time and chilling at the weekend with friends. Well this weeks photo comes to you from Conisbrough Viaduct, a realy tall and massive bridge built.... dunno! lol but its oldish haha! The photo is of my friend Adam abseiling down. We met up with my good friend liam and craig and got to work! Its a very scary thing to do, and ill be honest i find it very scary but am getting used to it now! We make a big rope swing that we can attach are selfs to and just enjoy swinging about lol! Its alot of fun and we have some realy good laffs! We also made a vid of this day: www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6 In this photo i think it gives off the mood and danger of the hight. converting it to black and white was just to giv it more atmospher. Well HAVE A GOOD WEEK GUYS! www.nlindleyphotography.co www.nlindleyphotography.bl www.youtube.com/shlongkong Twitter: @nlindleyphoto |
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
11/52 Magic man
This weeks is a lil late! sowi... couldent make mind up what to do. Did a photoshoot with jay mya but havent got round to finishing video etc yet lol, so went with this! So as i said, this week hooked up with jay mya, and did a lil photoshoot for his album cover and promo, got lots to edit and wanted to present all that work with vid as a finished iteam. (so keep your eyes out for that!) Apart from that not been upto much, just chilling at home going out and hustleing drinks lol! So this weeks photo i wanted to put across my new magic skills! I have recently learned some pritty cool tricks, and use them when im out drinking to hustle drinks etc :P All tricks were inspired by dynomo, his magic is just outa this world! So for the photo i wanted to giv it that strange magic edge, so i went for a simple float in the air and placed some cards around! The setup was pritty easy i just layed on a table and edited it out later in photoshop! "Well have a great week guys!" Strobist: Nikonsb900 camera right high 1/16th power 85mm Bare Nikonsb700 Camera left low 1/16th power 35mm bare Triggerd using catus v4 wirless trigger system! www.nlindleyphotography.co www.nlindleyphotography.bl www.youtube.com/shlongkong Twitter: @nlindleyphoto |
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Free Photoshoot!
So there are 5 places up for grabs, for a free photoshoot of your choice!
So if your after some family portriats, lifstyle shoot, portraits, model portfolio, or just some pics of your choice, then this is for you!
All pics will be presented to you on a disc fully edited for you to use how u like.
1 shoot per person
How to enter for this is to pm me on my fb or send me a email. Stateing what u would like the photoshoot to be.
When the closing date has finished i will put all ppls names on paper and get someone to draw 5 names out!
The winners will be annouced shorlty after, and dates orgonised for the shoot.
The shoot excludes:
Full day shoots
Any other massive or strange shoot that would hurt my pocket lol
The closing date for this will be 20th oct 2011 at dinner time so get them msgs in ppl!
Nathan (ZackwasHere)
www.nlindleyphotography.bl www.youtube.com/shlongkong Twitter: @nlindleyphoto |
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
10/52 Cadwell Trackday
Well this weeks photo is a lil late (sorry) I have been a very busy person, had a lil weekend partying etc! :P
This weeks photo comes from Cadwell. I went on a motorbike trackday with my sisters partner colin and gary are other friend. I have been on o few of these trackdays, pics can b found on my site.
I personally dont race, i dont know how to ride a bike lol! They scare the hell outa me! ill stick to my cars for now ha ha ha!
Colin is the person at the front on the black bike. Its hard to get photographs for me on these days as public dont have acess to the full track for photos. have to make do were we can get lol. It dosent help that i only have a 17 - 50 as my max focal length! (Realy need a new zoom!)
I got as close as i could and just croped in.
For days like this u need a very fast shutter speed, as the bikes are sometimes hitting 120mph+ and even more on the striaghts!
I was expermenting with shutter speeds between 3000th down to 750th to get some motion blur using panning.
When not shooting the track i usually shoot the lads documentary style.
To see more pics from the day please visit:
Twitter: @nlindleyphoto
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