Saturday, 21 January 2012

26-52 Halfway there


Hows u all doing? u been having a good week guys?
Well this week ive been busy editing from last weeks photoshoots. and been looking after my little dog alfie who had a small op this week, he has recoverd realy realy well and his himself agian!

This weekend i have a shoot with grace agian, also having a leaving party for my sisters boyfriend colin, as he is going away for a while working. also filming a bike race on sunday so keep your eye out for that.

Well here is week 26 "Halfway There". I am now half way threw my project and can i just say how fast it has gone dosent even feel like i have done that many! I do somtimes wish i had put more effort into some pics, but i spose the msg is just as important as the pic lol!
I have taken many many pics and had a crazy journey up to yet and its only half way!!!

I would realy realy love for ppl to join me on this project, as its a good way of keeping memories and capturing those speacial moments in your life! You dont need to be a photographer to doit or even be good at taking pics.. any 1 can doit! just take a pic of anything and post about it! tell us whats going on in your life and tll us about the world and moments u see!

"The difference between a pro photographer and any1 eles is a pro knows how to use light and what settings in a camera to use. No 1 can ever take your eye away from the world u see, no 1 can ever take away ur view of the world, and capturing that only u can do!"
So please GET ON THIS PROJECT! DONT TAKE PICS ....CAPTURE A MOMENT! dosent even have to be 52weeks, could be 12 month project! or just post wen u can!

Well this weeks photo i obviously wanted to do a half way theame. so i went to a road near were i live with my friend kristian who has just entered the photography world and took this pic... i set it all up just need kris to press the trigger wen cars wer not on the road.I took around 3 attemps to get it right.
I wanted to giv the imprestion ov a road the road being my 52 week project, and me half way across the road(project). The jump was mearly for my pleasure as u know i like to make things jump. The road sighn i added was just a little funny msg to say half way there! just a little touch i put on lol!

Nikon:Sb900 camera left on wall, 1/4th power shot bare 85mm
Nikon:sb700 camera right on tirpod 1/5 powershot bare 24mm
Both triggered using nikons cls system

Well hope u have a great week guys!
Twitter: @nlindleyphoto